work-based learning experiences for all your students
Empower your students to build their confidence and demonstrate their potential to future employers through our library of work-based learning experiences developed in partnership with industry experts and employers.
Trusted network of employer partners
Are you struggling to offer work-based learning experiences to all your students?
You're not alone; a recent Youth Survey report revealed that only 17.3% of undergraduates were able to access work experience opportunities during university.
Shortage of personalised opportunities
You are dedicated to coordinating opportunities for students to enhance their career readiness, yet there are insufficient options that align with their interests and demands.
Supporting a Diverse Student Body
You aim to meet the career readiness needs of a diverse student body. However, some students face time constraints due to conflicting priorities, while others remain disengaged.
Limited employer and industry connections
You are committed to providing engaging and authentic career readiness support. Nevertheless, the limited connections with industries and employers hinder your ability to make these experiences meaningful.
Challenges in reporting
You strive to report the impact of your initiatives, but measuring this impact is complicated due to the use of various systems.
Empower all your students to boost their confidence and showcase their potential to future employers through industry-linked, work-based learning experiences
Work-based learning that significantly boosts each learner's confidence in their employability
Confidence in securing a job in the future
Increase student career awareness and readiness
Our university partners
Book a free consultation
Chat with our university partnerships team to understand how our work-based learning experiences can help support your student employability strategy.