Our talented users go on to apprenticeships with the UK’s leading employers. Put your brand and career paths in-front of students when they’re making decisions about their future.
Students that complete work experience programmes go on to work across a variety of functions, from HR to IT.
We partner with employers to create high-quality virtual work experience programmes which engage thousands of young people across the UK.
Springpod takes care of all the hard work. Reducing workload by managing your programme end-to-end. Employers scale their reach and impact through globally accessible work experience.
Virtual Work Experience allows students to visualise what a role involves and to even try real-workplace activities and assignments for themselves.
It increases students' industry knowledge, helps them decide on their future career and grows their confidence.
Our employer partners put their brands in front of the next generation of diverse emerging talent.
Within our student community, 24% say they qualify for free school meals, 60% are female, whilst 14% are of black heritage, 31% of Asian heritage and in total 44% are of minority ethnic heritage.
"It affected my career massively as without it I’m not sure I would’ve been able to secure the role I’m currently in as Springpod built the foundations I used to build my CV."
Samuel, Corporate and Commercial Banking Degree Apprentice, Santander UK
Springpod highlighted that there was a way to put my logistical skills into use in a creative field. It also gave me insight into an industry that was particularly hard to access”
Nalani Pursehouse, Prduction Management Apprentice BBC
“Springpod allowed me to get a taste of the sector , the finance work experience covered many different topics such as accounting and investments. This gave me a great overview of the industry and the different career paths available to me.”
Natasha Manuel, Controls and Monitoring Apprentice, Julius Baer
Our student community is diverse, talented and eager to engage with employers.
We work with our partners employers to build an ideal profile for their student cohort based on key education, demographic and engagement data points.
We use educational and entertaining content to engage students who otherwise would be unaware of our partner’s carer paths and opportunities.
Virtual Work Experience allows students to learn about your organisation’s values, the structure and function of the different teams and to understand what career paths are available to them. You can even cover what’s involved in your application processes.
This means you have applicants who are set up for success and you allow talented students who otherwise may have been disadvantaged to show what they’re capable of.
Virtual Work Experience allows students to see what a role really involves and to even try some of the activities and assignments for themselves.
This gives students an accurate understanding of the role and means that when they’re eventually hired they’ll be much more likely to thrive in their new role.
The area that Springpod were really able to help us with was their reach to the student population.
Springpod allowed me to get a taste of the sector, the finance work experience covered many different topics such as accounting and investments. This gave me a great overview of the industry and the different career paths available to me.
Springpod were excellent in advising, guiding and encouraging us to think differently about our WEX programme, and helped us come up with ideas and content for our new online programme, that we are proud to promote.
Chat with our team today and discuss how you can maximise your organisation’s potential with Springpod.